THE CHURCH The building has frontage to both Argyle Street close to Pulteney Bridge, as well as return frontage to Grove Street. The main chapel dates back to 1789 and in addition there are a…
THE CHURCHThe building has frontage to both Argyle Street close to Pulteney Bridge, as well as return frontage to Grove Street. The main chapel dates back to 1789 and in addition there are a suite of community rooms. The accommodation as currently set out can be summarized as follows:Argyle Street entrance:
Foyer 2.3m x 9.0m = 20.7sqm (220sq.ft) with cloaks and store access to Galleries
Church 21.75m x 14.1m 306sqm (3,300sq.ft)Access to basement vaults including boiler rooms.Grove Street entrance:
Foyer with cloaks and stairs up and down landing with lift
Back Vestibule 3.7m x 13m = 48.1sqm (520sq.ft)
Kitchen 3.1m x 6.9m = 21.4sqm (230sq.ft) commercially fitted
William Room 10.8m x 7.2m = 77.1sqm (835sq.ft)
Goodridge Room
Huntingdon RoomStairs and lift to 1st Floor landing
Argyle Hall 11.5m x 14.1m = 162sqm (1,745sq.ft)
Trinity Kitchen
Trinity Lounge
Livingstone Room 5.1m x 5.2m 26.5sqm (285sq.ft)
Quiet RoomStairs and lift to 2nd Floor landing
Tobey Hall 17m x 14m = 238sqm (2,560sq.ft) incl. kitchenetteLOCATIONThe property is located in the centre of the town adjacent to retail and commercial very close to Pulteney Bridge. Argyle Street is the principle thoroughfare east from the centre whilst Grove Street is primarily residential.DIRECTIONSThe main entrance is located on Argyle Street as shown on the Promap attached at the back of this brochure. Postcode BA2 4BA.VIEWINGSViewings have been completed. Please contact our Land Department on 01285 646770 to discuss.SERVICES & TENUREThe property is held with freehold title and is not, as far as we are aware, subject to any leases or any Reverted Clauses.Vacant possession will be given upon completion of a disposal. The property will be sold subject to the standard United Reformed Church covenants, a copy of which can be supplied upon request. As far as we are aware there are no other restricted covenants relating to the property that will have any adverse affect upon its value or marketability.We are informed that mains electricity, water and drainage are connected to the property.TOWN & COUNTRY PLANNINGThe building is Grade II Listed and within the City Centre Conservation Area. Changes to its external appearance are very unlikely to be approved. It has until recently been used as a place of worship together with a variety of other community uses. This is under Class F1 of the Use Classes Order which does permit some other community uses. The buildings fronting Grove Street could have residential conversion potential. Interested parties should address their enquiries to the LPA with whom we have had no contact.METHOD OF SALEThe property is offered for sale by informal tender. Offers must be made in writing no later than noon on Wednesday 30th November 2022 at the offices of Perry Bishop, 2 Silver Street, Cirencester, GL72 BL.These should be submitted on the offer form which is available from ourselves, so as to ensure that all information required is received. The offer may be returned by hand or posted to our Cirencester office or by email to is the bidder's responsibility to ensure that their offer is received by the prescribed deadline, and the vendor is not bound to accept the highest or any offer. A decision will be made as soon as possible before or after the closing date, with all parties that have made an offer being notified accordingly.IMPORTANT NOTESOffers may be made unconditionally, in which case contracts must be exchanged within 8 weeks of receipt of draft contract, and there will be an uplift provision of 50% of any increase in value attributable to a subsequent planning consent.Alternatively, offers may be made subject to planning consent (details to disclosed), in which case conditional contracts are to be exchanged within 8 weeks.JOINT AGENT WITH CHRISTOPHERS CHARTERED SURVEYORS