A great send off for a great man

Friends and family joined colleagues, clients and local suppliers at The Great Tythe Barn in Tetbury to wish Paul Boden all the best in his retirement. Associate Director and Branch Manager at Perry Bishop’s Tetbury branch, Paul has been with the company for 30 years – 10 years with Hobbs and Chambers and from day one of the formation of Perry Bishop and Chambers, 20 years ago this year.

Paul has been instrumental in the growth and development of the company, particularly in establishing Perry Bishop and Chambers Tetbury as the leading agent in this popular market town. He was also joined on the evening by Helen Pugh, who has been appointed his successor. She has been with the company for three years, previously working as a valuer/lister in our Cirencester branch.

Managing Director Phillip Bishop presented Paul with a specially commissioned painting featuring caricatures of his colleagues in the Tetbury branch and Perry Bishop’s management team.

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